Welcome to Happy Dirt Online Market

Featured Products
These products are not guaranteed to be available due to demand.

organic cranberries
Cranberries from Ruesch Century Farm in Wisconsin are special for so many reasons, one being that they are dry harvested, which means they last longer! We used these Cranberries in our Cranberry Margarita recipe, and the flavor was incredible. Stock up while they are part of our Holiday Ad!

organic garnet sweet potatoes
Garnet Sweet Potatoes' bright orange flesh bring a festive touch to your holiday table, and we have good volume of them from Happy Dirt Farmer-Partner Neal Johnson. Encourage your customers to experiment with these color-rich roots for the holidays.

organic carrots
Loose Carrots from Clem Swift, one of our WNC farmer-partners, are looking great, and we have a good supply! We are grateful that you and your customers have continued to help us support our WNC farmer-partners by adding their produce to your coolers and plates. There's nothing like a winter stew made with North Carolina roots!

GLD Chocolate Chevre truffles
Indulge in the perfect blend of sweet and tangy with these hand-rolled delights! Made with fresh, creamy goat cheese, semi-sweet chocolate, and a hint of vanilla, each ball is also dusted in rich Dutch cocoa. Make sure to get your hands on some before the new year!
For great recipes and information about these vegetables visit our blog.